Friday, March 19, 2010

Check College websites and blogs

In the 21st century, colleges and universities are making more and more information available on websites, blogs, social media such as facebook and Twitter. Be sure to look for them. Montgomery College, in Maryland has a wealth of resources for its students and perspective students. Of course it is available for anyone. Even scholarship information can be found through higher ed. blogs. is an example of one I recently came across that might be useful to you. Be sure to check facebook and other spots for up to date stuff.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Get More Back - Tax Recovery for College

Paying for college is not only about jobs, scholarships and internships, it is also about taxes and savings.  Visit this link and contact your tax preparer.  If you do your own taxes check out the IRS site  or type"American Opportunity Credit" in the search box after going to