Friday, November 29, 2013

Mo' Money Mo' Money Mo' Money for College

Okay, I might be dating myself with the reference of Mo' Money but it is still a great idea to roll up your sleeves and look for more Scholarships. Seek the "low hanging fruit." Start with the website of your institution of choice and the State of your residence. For Maryland, click here. The United States Department of Labor offers this website to assist you in locating scholarships, jobs and more click here. depending on the State you may want to try "No affiliation or other" under "Affiliation Restrictions." Like many endeavors, when you break your time down in small bites, you can accomplish a great deal. One strategy to help yourself get started is to schedule 15-20 minute increments as often per day or per week as you'd like, depending upon your level of motivation to work on finding MONEY TO PAY FOR COLLEGE.
Sometimes you will get in a zone and extend your time, applying for many scholarships. On other times you may just meet your minimum. Another strategy is to team up with a friend or two just to get started. Check with your place of worship, banking institution, place of employment, including your parent(s') and relatives' place of employment, too to see if anything may be available. Approach this seriously to get serious results. You can do this. Start now and keep going. It is worth it. Clifton McKnight is an author, educator, counselor, personal coach and keynote speaker. Follow him and get information from his book on Facebook, Twitter and other (social)media. Visit his site at

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

More Academic Tools You can Use

Have you every had a class that you wished you could get online support for exam preparation? Will meet quizlet. A special thanks for this resource goes to Biomedical Scholar, Juan Llaja-Herrara of Montgomery College, Rockville, Md. Quizlet offers free flash cards and other study tools. They also provide the means for you to create your own. I made a mistake and typed in "quizzlet" (2 z's) instead of "quizlet" and one of those pages that provides other sites which usually have costs associated, came up. Being one to look for the good ("okay not what I wanted but how can I use this?"), I checked out a few and "lo and behold", I discovered Coursehero. This is another very easy to use resource that allows you to develop or use existing study tools, most at a cost. At the time of this article, Coursehero offers a flashcard service that offers free flashcards as well as "design your own". Always verify the accuracy of what you use with your textbook or professor when possible but the stuff I observed sites on both seem to be pretty good. There are many resources out here to help you succeed once you commit to learning. Maximize your potential for success. Next time you come online to play, consider playing at learning. Clifton McKnight is an author, educator, counselor, personal coach and keynote speaker. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter and other (social)media. Visit his site at

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Be Resourceful Tap into Scholarships and More

If you are motivated to continue your education, then finding ways to help pay for college may be of interest. Even if you are in the first in your family to attend college, or, if your family income makes college seem out of reach, there are resources for college that you can explore. Often it depends on how badly you want it. It is very much worth the effort to take advantage of technology and search, apply, search and apply some more. Start with an attitude of "I can!" Whether you are in college, in high school or transferring to another institution, there just may be resources for you if you are welling to find them. To get you started, here are a few resources made known to me by a good friend and retired professional in a recent communication (Thank you Keno). The Network Journal list Scholarships for all students and some specifically for African American students. (Click here). See list. Many institutions offer resource lists. Montgomery College, Maryland, offers a variety of possibilities. The Society for Hispanic Engineers Foundation compiled a list as well (Click Here). Also be sure to note the scholar internships on their site. To do a general search try . Many resources are FREE. All you need invest is your time and effort. So, "How bad do you want it?" - Clifton McKnight is an author, educator, counselor, personal coach and keynote speaker. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter and other (social)media. Visit his site at