Friday, September 24, 2010

Think Good Thoughts Then Connect

I was moved to apply this to both this blog and my blog which will also have audio.   I hope it adds to your day.

I endeavor to treat my mind and spirit daily with a little prayer, meditation and affirmation, then I get to work. I was busily focused at my desk at work and a wonderful thing happened! I received a knock on the door. At times when we are trying to finish a task we can be off center when something interrupts that flow . I am so glad that I followed my morning ritual today because that did not occur and I was poised to receive a magnificent energy from the passer by.

His name is Chuck Kroner. He is a recent retiree who reminded me through his conversation and spirit that angels still walk the earth in human form. As he shared and asked questions of me my heart and spirit were filled with the joy of this awareness.

Please, pause, focus on all that is good with you and the world, then drink deeply from the positive spirits around you. The wonderful thing is, if you take the time to treat your spirit prior to quenching your thirst, you will provide a refreshing elixir for others as well. We are then energized to continue making a difference where the world is not yet right. Enjoy today and help make someone else’s day.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Freedom isn't Free - but it's Worth It!

As we meditate on the events of September 11, 2001 it becomes more critical that we remain cognizant of our core values.  Love, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness suggests that we do the hard work of perpetuating unity across ALL boundaries.  PEACE and FREEDOM require that we take the time to understand one another's point of view and that we continue to see and seek common ground.   There is no place for racial or religious intolerance in a free society. 

We ALL share one planet.  It provides us abundantly and we have the capacity to be good stewards amongst one another and this magnificent globe we call earth.  Do something today that contributes to LOVE, PEACE, LIBERTY, FREEDOM, THE ENVIRONMENT shared by all and watch the fruit of your efforts grow!

FREE Resources Abound!

So I went on this kick to learn more about and SO MUCH MORE came in.  While some of the resources noted I have tried myself, there is so much that I am endeavoring to share the information only.  This does not constitute endorsement as I have yet to use all of them as I have with "Freecycle" and "Recycle" (previous post).       

In preparing the previous post I did a search for "freecycle" and an AARP link came up.  It was long link to Yahoogroups.   Apparently "yahoogroups" hosts a lot of useful stuff.  The following is a list of resources that offer free or discounted meals at restaurants, groceries, DVD rentals and much much more.,                    ,             ,,            ,

This reminds me.  If you can use some free encouragement once and a while visit my wordpress blog, and share a word or two of encouragement as well in the comments.  Have a great day! - Clifton McKnight is an educator, counselor, personal coach, author and keynote speaker. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter and other social media. Visit his site at


Trash or Treasure - You Decide
If you don't mind "Used" or "Second Hand" stuff, you can get some of what you need while being kinder to the environment and being less wasteful yourself.  All over the country and in over 80 countries online groups are offering and posting their previously used and sometime even unopened and never used STUFF for FREE!  This eases the level of waste at landfills, which is kinder to the environment and can save you and others money too! You can also post good stuff that you no longer use for someone who can use it.

Visit to get started.  A word of  Advice- This resource is VERY active so you may want to dedicate a separate email address to it or have some really good filters.  You can receive MANY EMAILS everyday offering and asking for free stuff.

Once I tapped into this I found a yahoo group that has the same concept and calls themselves "Recycle" instead of "Freecycle".  Try them out, save money, save the earth and maybe save someone else.