Monday, February 27, 2012

De -Stress Before You Depress

As you move into the semester you may notice that deadlines and test dates and papers and assignments and more mounting up.  Getting anxious?  Begin taking action as soon as you can, especially if you notice that you are beginning to feel a little tension.  Just doing one part of an assignment can get the ball rolling towards completing a task, easing the pressure and letting off a little steam.  (Dis)Stress is so widely present in today's society that resources abound to ease our way to comfortability if we just take small incremental steps.

You've heard them before, take some deep breaths, go for a walk.  Do just one task.   Have a good belly laugh with a friend, a movie, a book, a youtube video... then do something on your list.  If you are really stressed, do one or two healthy stress reducers. Here is something with an interesting twist:  Don't worry about your "to do list", just do something constructive then add it to the list and then check it off (ba dump bump ).  Laugh but it may just help you get started.  offers 10 useful strategies for your consideration.  Click on any of the strategies and get more information on it.  I found this link through the website of a mental health agency in the Maryland area  It may also prove useful to you.  Breathe, smile and let's get started.
- Clifton McKnight is an educator, counselor, personal coach, author and keynote speaker. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter and other social media. Visit his site at

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